The LCQS welcomed Masahisa Tsuchiizu as visiting Professor in the department of Chemistry during the first two weeks of May 2023.

Masahisa Tsuchiizu is Associate Professor at Nara’s Women University in Japan. He is a condensed matter physicist interested in low-dimensional extended electronic systems, with a particular focus on strong electron correlation and related topics (like superconductivity). Masahisa has a longstanding collaboration with the Laboratoire de Chimie Quantique de Strasbourg (LCQS) at the interface between Quantum Chemistry and Condensed Matter Physics, with a recent interest in quantum embedding theory.
He was able to present his current research topics during 2 seminars :
- May 10th 2023, “Charge ordering in molecular solids” Masa.10Mai2023
- May 11th 2023, “Dirac cone and topological flat band with organic molecules” Masa.11Mai2023
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Scheduled Seminar