
  • Fatih YILDIRIM distinguished by an internship award

    Fatih YILDIRIM, master 1 student in LCQS (2024, 5 months internship supervised by Emmanuel FROMAGER), was distinguished by an internship award by the RJ-SCF-ALSACE (Réseau des Jeunes chimistes – Société Chimique de France) for his work on “One-Electron Density Matrix Functional Theory Reloaded – A Static Self-Energy Perspective“.

    for more informations about the other winners :

  • GDR NBODY Workshop “Electron Many-Body Interactions with Quantum Particles and Fields” 🗓

    Dear colleagues,

    We are delighted to announce the GDR NBODY Workshop “Electron Many-Body Interactions with Quantum Particles and Fields” to be held in Strasbourg in January 15-17, 2025, at the Collège Doctoral Européen.
    The workshop will start at 13:45 (on Wednesday, January 15) and end at 13:00 (on Friday, January 17).

    For more details, please visit our in-construction website: Contributed talks (for which participants can apply) will be given in addition to keynote and invited lectures (to be announced). A poster session will also be organised. Registrations will soon open (stay tuned!). 

    Workshop Scope:

    This workshop will explore the latest advancements in electronic structure modeling, focusing on the interactions between electrons and other particles or photonic fields. There will be thus two key themes:

    • Electron-Nucleus Interactions: Investigating how electrons interact with nuclei in quantum systems, providing fresh insights from advanced computational and theoretical methods. These approaches enhance our understanding of atomic, molecular, and condensed matter structures and dynamics.
    • Polaritonic Chemistry: A pioneering field studying electron-photon interactions in systems where electrons couple with photon modes in a cavity, forming hybrid states known as polaritons. This rapidly advancing area offers exciting opportunities to control light-matter interactions, with wide-ranging implications for chemistry, materials science, and quantum technologies.

    Our aim is to bring together participants from France and abroad who are interested in these topics, fostering collaboration among experts in these areas, which lie at the frontier between chemistry and physics.
    We look forward to welcoming you to Strasbourg!

    Best regards,
    The Organizing Committee
    Saad Yalouz,
    Emmanuel Fromager,
    and Morgane Vacher

  • Pablo Roseiro distinguished by 2 PhD awards

    Pablo ROSEIRO, PhD student in LCQS (2020-2023, supervised by Vincent ROBERT) was distinguished by 2 PhD award for his research “The role of open-layer environments in the spectroscopy of complex spin architectures: wavefunction studies“. The awards ceremony was held on June 2024, Friday 21, in the morning during the graduation ceremony of the Strasbourg university organised in the Aula of the Palais Universitaire.

    First award: University of Strasbourg Research Commission Prize, prize awarded for promising work in science and technology.

    Second award: The French Association of Molecular Magnetism, to distinguish a young researcher whose PhD work in molecular magnetism, either theoretical and/or experimental, is original and of high quality.

  • 10th Virtual Winter School for Computational Chemistry 🗓

    The 10th Virtual Winter School for Computational Chemistry will be held 29th January – 2nd February 2024. Registration is now open and is free for all participants. The conference talks will be held live online using conferencing software. More details and registration information can be found on our website. (

    Invited speakers include:

    • Professor Erin Johnson (Dalhouise University)
    • Professor Angela Wilson (Michigan State University)
    • Professor Mario Barbatti (Aix-Marseille University)
    • Dr. Lobomir Rulíšek (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
    • Dr. Hollóczki Oldamur (Debreceni Egyetem, Természettudományi és Technológiai Kar)
    • Professor Emmanuel Fromager (Laboratoire de Chimie Quantique de Strasbourg)
    • Dr. Jurgens de Lange (University of Pretoria)
    • Professor Feliu Maseras (Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia and The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology)
    • Drs Janka Mátrai and Balazs Pinter (European Research Council)
    • Professor Benoît Champagne (University of Namur)
    • Professor Renana Gershoni-Poranne (Technion)

    There will also be two workshops as part of the meeting run by QChem and BigDFT.

    The conference will cover a broad range of topics in computational and theoretical chemistry, including wavefunction-based methods, DFT and various applications. The aim of the Winter School is to combine tutorial-style lectures with the latest research results and increase the accessibility of scientific research to all scientists, regardless of their situation. All early career scientists will have the opportunity to present their work in the form of Single Figure Presentations.

  • 4th edition of the International summer School in electronic structure Theory: electron correlation in Physics and Chemistry 🗓

    We are pleased to announce that the 4th (in-person) edition of the International summer School in electronic structure Theory: electron correlation in Physics and Chemistry (ISTPC) will take place in Aussois, Savoie, France, in the period June 16-29, 2024.

    ISTPC 2024 is funded by CECAM (RA and GSO nodes) as a Flagship School (you can find the news on the CECAM website here), the GDR NBODY, and the GDR REST. You will find below a tentative list of topics that will be covered in the lectures. Three one-hour-and-half lectures will be given every day (two in the morning and one in the afternoon). Some tutorial sessions will be scheduled so that the participants can derive the key equations presented during the lectures. A poster session will also be organised so that the participants can present their research. 

    1) Pre-registrations are now open on a first come — first served basis. The number of participants is limited to 40. In order to pre-register you only need to send an email to (replace VED by @).

    2) Participants are expected to pay a registration fee, which should not exceed 950€and will cover food and accommodation expenses at the center Paul Langevin in Aussois for the entire duration of the school. The registration will be confirmed once the fee has been paid. Further practical information (in particular about the payment of the fee) will soon be provided, as well as latest news on the ISTPC 2024 website.