Monday, the 26th of May at 12hFriday, the 30th of May at 12h


Dear Participants,

The Jujols XII meeting will be held in Strasbourg, Esplanade campus, May 26th–May 30th 2025. Following a long tradition, the objective is to gather people concerned by electronic structure calculations, developments, implementations and applications. Much time will be devoted to discussions emphasizing recent achievements and breakthroughs. PhDs and Postdocs are higly encouraged to give oral presentation.

We look forward to seeing you in Strasbourg.

Useful Information

Contact :

Vincent Robert, Organizer : vrobert[at]unistra.fr, (0)6 73 29 75 74

Emilie Ranchon, Manager : eranchon[at]unistra.fr

Selection of hotels :

Campus map :

The LCQS laboratory is located at Institut LeBel, 4 Rue Blaise Pascal, 67000 Strasbourg