A new preprint by Saad Yalouz and coworkers
A new preprint by Saad Yalouz and coworkers on Transformation-free generation of a quasi-diabatic representation from the state-average orbital-optimized variational quantum eigensolver
Read moreA new preprint by Saad Yalouz and coworkers on Transformation-free generation of a quasi-diabatic representation from the state-average orbital-optimized variational quantum eigensolver
Read moreThe upcoming Prospective Meeting on “Excited States” is now scheduled from March 12th, 2pm to March 14th, noon, in Rennes University.
This meeting is co-organized by TheMoSiA, the UP and EMIE GDRs, and the QDN network.
A new preprint by Filip Cernatic (LCQS) and Emmanuel Fromager (LCQS) on the description of double electronic excitations within a recently proposed extended N-centered ensemble density functional theory
Read moreLoris Delafosse, Amr Hussein, Saad Yalouz and Vincent Robert published a new paper, “A Two-Step Rayleigh-Schrödinger Brillouin-Wigner Approach to Transition Energies”, in Electronic Structure
Read moreChristophe Gourlaouen, Thomas Groizard, Chantal Daniel and coworkers are on the cover of Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics for their work on “Chiroptical activity of benzannulated N-heterocyclic carbene rhenium(i) tricarbonyl halide complexes: towards efficient circularly polarized luminescence emitters”.
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