Lecture Notes

Hartree-Fock (V. Robert)
Second quantization (E. Fromager)
Solid-state Physics (X. Blase)
Introduction to Green’s functions (X. Blase)
Mathematical aspects of electronic structure theory (E. Cancès)
Kohn-Sham density-functional theory (E. Fromager)
Multi-Configurational Self-Consistent Field (E. Fromager)
Exercises on second quantization/MCSCF (E. Fromager)
Post-HF methods (P.-F. Loos aka Titou)
GW (F. Bruneval)
Green’s function-based methods in chemistry (P.-F. Loos aka Titou)
Model Hamiltonians (N. Guihéry)
Physics of electron correlation (N. Guihéry)
TDDFT (F. Sottile)
TDDFT in the linear response regime (F. Sottile)
QMC (M. Caffarel)
Complementary material on QMC (M. Caffarel)
Bethe-Salpeter equation (M. Gatti)
RDMFT (P. Romaniello)
Slides on DFT (J. Toulouse), Lecture notes on DFT (J. Toulouse)
DMRG (S. Knecht)
Quantum embedding (E. Fromager)
DMFT [part1] (B. Amadon)
DMFT [part2] (B. Amadon)
Multi-reference perturbation theory (C. Angeli)